"Cultivating Connections: The Art of Making People Feel Special"1. Embrace the power of making people feel cherished by recognizing their significance through your thoughts and gestures.Sep 3, 2023Sep 3, 2023
What is your opinion about prescribing generic names of medicine, instead of prescribing by brand…A 28 year old boy Type 1 diabetic ( in confused state) came to me with skyrocketing sugars in 500 mg\dl since past one year and infections…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Is there any natural treatment of CKD?Regular exercise has been shown to have several benefits for individuals with CKD including improved physical function, cardiovascular…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
As a doctor, what’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from treating your first patient?Priotize understanding the patient over diagnosis algorithms😼Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023
What are some things that new doctors are not told about when they start their residency (besides…Limitless work🤦🏻Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023